Thursday, August 14, 2008

So Many Changes

Jack will be starting preschool next week, as a part of his ABA program.  Originally we thought he might just attend for 1 1/2 hours per day each day he's there, but now we want to try a full (4 hour) day.  His therapists say he's ready, and I am so excited for him to go. 

This is another of those new experiences for us.  It is a huge change, to be putting this little guy out into a social setting that he doesn't yet understand the way his peers do.  But it is a change that we know must happen.  And, if we have learned anything so far, it is that Jack is always up for a challenge.

And, Kelley has prepared him for this change, to an extent.  She had taken him once a week for a few weeks before the last school year ended so that he could get to know the surroundings and his teacher.  He loved it, and I know he will thrive.  

This opportunity for socialization will mean greater independence for Jack in the future.  Of course, there will also be academic learning, but this will be a great time for him to get exposure to social understanding from his peers.  And, as his teacher and the administration have expressed, it is a chance for a boy to give understanding of what autism is to his neurotypical peers.

Everyone will win with this change

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